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Tripsynk is efficient, fast and user friendly. Hunting in the woods with no internet service? send your buddy the location of your spot with a click of a button. Meeting up with some friends and tired of explaining directions? easily send your current location at the touch of a button!➤SEND YOUR CURRENT LOCATION via sms, email, and custom applications you can select.➤SAVE ANY LOCATION to share with friends later or remember where your favorite coffee shop is.➤VIEW CURRENT LOCATION on a map to see just exactly where you are.➤ COPY your location to clipboard for an easier way to share your exact location.➤CUSTOMIZE a button to share your location to any app you select!➤ WITHOUT INTERNET. thats correct get your current location without internet. fast efficient and reliable➤NEVER GET LOST AGAIN!
★ Maps integration allows you to view where your at and whats around you.★ send or create directions to anyone in many different ways all at the touch of a button.★ Live Latitude and Longitude allows you to see your current location with ease!

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